Close-up of a content Writer working on her laptop and taking notes

Content Marketing for Chiropractors: Where to Start

Creating a content marketing strategy may seem daunting for most chiropractors. However, if you do it right, you can expect tremendous growth in your practice’s profits.

In this post, we’ll provide a simplified guide to content marketing for chiropractors to make the process much easier.

We’ll highlight why you need to use content marketing. We’ll also break down the best content themes and channels for your business.

Why Is Content Marketing Vital for You As a Chiropractor?

Content is a substantial component of any successful chiropractic marketing strategy. It can incredibly boost your business growth and expand your client base.

Here are the reasons why content marketing is a highly effective marketing strategy:

Establishes Your Practice As an Industry Thought Leader

In a market saturated with competitors, valuable content can be a competitive advantage. Publishing quality content constantly can help you boost your credibility and trust among potential clients. 

Over time, you’ll establish your brand name as a thought leader in your industry thanks to the top-notch content you provide. Consequently, this will set you apart from all the other chiropractor competitors.

That’s because content shows your expertise and builds rapport with your potential patients even before they become actual clients.

Reduces Online Advertising Costs in the Long Run

Creating and publishing valuable content is a much cheaper strategy to attract prospective patients than depending solely on online advertising for this purpose.

After all, you create the content, publish it once, and update it only occasionally. If it’s well optimized, it’ll organically attract potential patients to your business without paying a single penny.

On the other hand, if you rely only on online ads to attract patients, you need to keep spending on ad campaigns if you want them to drive new leads and patients.

This isn’t to say that content marketing is an alternative to online advertising. Instead, depending on both strategies can double your results compared to relying only on online advertising. This means you’ll spend less on ads in the long run.

Helps You Rank Higher on Search Engine Results

Over half a million patients search for chiropractors using search engines each month in the US, according to Semrush.

Publishing SEO-optimized blog posts regularly can help you increase your ranking on Google and other search engines. 

Having your web pages in the top positions on the search engine results page will drive thousands of potential patients to the website monthly for free! 

Group of People Discussing Competitor Analysis on Monitor Screen

If your website is well-designed and contains persuasive sales content, a significant portion of those website visitors will convert into clients.

That said, you need to ensure the website itself is optimized for search engines. In other words, make sure that the website is easily read and indexed by search engine crawlers. This is the only way to ensure it can appear in search engine results.

You can do so by conducting an SEO audit on the entire website and addressing any identified issues.

If you’re unsure how to do so or don’t have the time, we’re here to help. You can contact one of our experts via phone or Zoom to assist you with your SEO strategy.

What Content Themes to Use as a Chiropractor? The 4 Most Recommended

The topics of content you can use as a chiropractor are abundant. You can use your creativity to create any content you believe is helpful for your audience.

However, a few specific topics and types of content are best known for being highly effective in attracting and engaging chiropractic patients.

Here are our recommended content to use:

1. Common Chiropractic Problems and Symptoms

Most patients will look up the symptoms of a health problem online before searching for a chiropractor to treat it. This is to develop an understanding of the issue they’re facing.

You can be the source of this information for prospective patients by providing thorough guides about the different symptoms of chiropractic problems.

Educating potential patients about the problem they have will significantly increase the likelihood of them considering you for the treatment.

That said, you need to provide accurate and reliable information to establish an impression of an expert. That way, prospective patients will be more willing to book appointments with you.

2. Patients Testimonials

You’ll be considerably more able to convince potential patients of your service if you show them that you’ve helped others with a similar issue.

Using photo or video testimonials will help you achieve this. So, don’t hesitate to ask your patients to provide you with testimonials to use as content. 

3. Your Business’s Online Reviews

Having a decent number of positive online reviews from actual patients can be a game-changer. 

These reviews should be on reputable review sites like Google My Business, Yelp, Trustpilot, and the like.

Embedding these reviews on your website and social media accounts will showcase your business’s trustworthiness. Ultimately, it’ll drive more patients to your service.

That way, invest some time inviting your patients to provide genuine reviews about your business. 

4. Chiropractic Videos

Over 70% of US consumers prefer to watch videos about a service instead of reading about it.

To grab the attention of those potential patients, consider creating a video version of the most significant blog posts and social media content you create.

Alternatively, you might consider purchasing ready-to-use chiropractic videos if you don’t have the time and resources to produce your own videos.

A Female Doctor Recording a Video Using a Professional Camera

What Channels to Use for Your Chiropractic Practice’s Content?

Choosing the most suitable channel for publishing your content is as important as the content itself. As a general rule, conduct your research to find out where your target audience is active online.

However, based on our extensive expertise, here are the most recommended channels to use In your chiropractic content marketing strategy:

Website Blog

Reports show that 89% of Americans look up their health problem symptoms on Google before visiting a doctor.

For this reason, the main channel for your content should be your website blog, as it’s the channel with the highest likelihood of appearing in Google search results.  It’s also the best place for long-form content like blog posts about problems’ symptoms. 

However, your website needs to be SEO-optimized to secure a top position in Google search results. 

You can do this yourself by learning about search engine optimization and putting your knowledge into practice.

Alternatively, you can save yourself much time, hassle, and costly errors by hiring an expert for this task. 

Our expert team at ChiroReach will optimize your website for search engines, boosting your ranking to Google’s top search result page.

If you’re looking for an SEO strategy tailored to your business, don’t hesitate to contact our team today. 

Local SEO and Google Business Profile

Millions of Americans search for nearby chiropractor practices each month. These prospective patients are ready to book a chiropractor appointment, yet they look for the best and closest practice. 

Those patients are highly lucrative opportunities for your business. By optimizing your Google business profile, you’ll be able to rank high on those local searches.

Having your business name and location on the top of local search results can drive tremendous visitors to your website and even help you get direct calls and appointments.

It’s worth mentioning that our experts provide local SEO optimization as a part of the comprehensive plans.

Social Media Platforms

In addition to search engines, many people use social media as a source of information. 

For this reason, having an active social media presence with updated content can help you reach more potential patients.

Your accounts on social media platforms can also be powerful tools for promoting your website content and blog posts.


With 4 billion email users worldwide, email marketing is undoubtedly one of the best content marketing channels today.

We know that creating newsletters seems like a lot of work. However, it can be easier than you think. 

Woman Checking Her Emails While Drinking Coffee

Newsletters can contain recycled content that you’ve previously published across your social media platforms and website.

Newsletters can also contain links to your latest blog posts or videos. In addition, it can be an excellent opportunity to promote your practice by including some offers.

If you need help with email marketing and building email lists, our team is ready to help you articulate your perfect strategy today!

How to Double Your Profits Using Content Marketing This Year

Creating great content is only half the battle; delivering that content to wide and profitable audiences is the other half. This is what our team at ChiroReach will help you to do. 

With the right content strategy and a robust SEO foundation, you can double your patient base within 6 to 12 months.

Our ChiroReach team can take the heavy lifting off your shoulders and handle all the complex SEO optimization for your website on your behalf.

We’ll ensure that Google will show your business to a vast number of prospective patients whenever they search for chiropractors.

This is by boosting your ranking on the regular and local search results.

Here’s a glance at what our team will help you with:

  • Technical optimization: The website’s security, performance and speed, and mobile friendliness
  • On-page optimization: Meta tags, internal linking, schema markup, and more
  • Off-page optimization: Link building, brand reputation and reviews, and citations

For more information, you can check this ChiroReach SEO service guide.

The Bottom Line

Content marketing for chiropractors isn’t as complicated as it may seem at first glance. You can develop a winning content plan by following the information mentioned above. 

Remember that showing the content to the right prospective patients can make all the difference in promoting your business. 

As a result, it can significantly boost the number of leads and sales. That way, you need to make sure you back your website content with the right SEO strategy. 

This is to increase the likelihood that prospective patients searching the web for chiropractic information will potentially find your content as one of the top results.